Australian Legal Requirements for Businesses
Emergency Planning Requirements
In Australia, every facility is mandated to have a comprehensive Emergency Plan in place. This obligation falls on the person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU), who must develop, document, and regularly review a plan that addresses potential incidents, accidents, and emergencies. Workers must be adequately informed and trained in these procedures.
The Emergency Plan should be grounded in a thorough assessment of workplace-specific hazards and the potential consequences of emergencies arising from those hazards. Additionally, facilities are required to maintain up-to-date emergency evacuation diagrams, which must be prominently displayed.
Key Requirements as per AS 3745-2010 Planning for Emergencies in a Facility
Emergency Planning Committee (EPC)
Comprises building owners, agents, occupiers, tenants, and other responsible parties.
Must hold at least annual meetings.
Benefits from the expertise of external consultants like ACTWELL for specialised advice.
Members should receive foundational training to understand their roles and responsibilities.
Evacuation Diagrams
Must be installed and meet AS 3745-2010 standards.
Emergency Plan
Must be developed and maintained for each facility.
Should include response procedures for various potential emergencies.
Training for building occupants and regular emergency and evacuation exercises must be addressed.
Requires annual review and is valid for up to 5 years.
Emergency Response Exercises
Must be conducted regularly, including at least one full evacuation per year.
Emergency Control Organisation (ECO)
Must be relevant and adequate for the facility.
Typically includes a Chief Warden, Deputy Chief Warden, Area Wardens, General Wardens, and First Aiders.
Members must have appropriate identification, such as hats, caps, or vests.
All ECO members must undergo training and 6-monthly skills retention activities.
Additional staff expected to respond to fire emergencies must be trained in Basic Emergency procedures upon appointment and annually thereafter.
All building occupants must be trained upon appointment and annually thereafter.